Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chinese Chicken Salad.

My search for good Chinese chicken salad started when I was around 20. Since then I had tried Chinese Chicken Salads in many restaurants and tried to duplicate the ones I liked. So far I have settled with this dressing package. I am happy with it and so are my friends who have had my salad.
Ingredients for roughly 4 servings
Salad Dressing
Sun-Bird brand Chinese Chicken Salad seasoning mix (found in Asian aisle)
Any kind of salad leaves (my favorite is Ready-Pac Parisian which will make 4 servings.)
2 chicken breasts, cooked in anyway you want (grilled, roasted, poached or pan fried) I use rotisseried chicken from the store.
1/2 cup chopped green onions
1 cup chopped cucumber
1 1/2 cups roughly chopped bean sprout
1 cups chopped cilantro
1 1/2 cups canned mandarine oranges
fried wantons
Fried Wantons
Cut wanton skins into 1/2 inch stripes.
Heat oil to deep fry the wanton skins (not too high about 325F )
Take them out onto a paper towel when they are golden brown. Season with a little salt when it's hot.


  1. Hands down the best Chinese Chicken Salad I have ever had!

  2. I've been meaning to ask you for this recipe since you made it for us after Bella was born! Sooo Yummy, I will be making this!! Thanks for sharing! Love the recipes!!
